Aviso Surfboards specializes in composite engineering techniques to manufacture hollow, carbon fiber surfboards. The materials and methods used are predominately known to the aerospace and defense industry, where design and manufacture of structures must be lightweight, strong, and have ideal flex characteristics to withstand intense physical forces. Aviso pursued constructing a surfboard based foremost on significantly increasing performance and handling characteristics while bolstering strength and durability factors by orders of magnitude.
The design and manufacturing team brings together over 200 years of composite engineering experience derived from the aerospace and defense industry, with additional experience in designing competition sailboat racing foils and other advance hydrodynamic and wind force harnessing equipment. With multiple generations of surfers at the helm, Aviso translated their experience in advanced composite construction techniques and applied them to surfboard construction. Aviso Surfboards relies upon designs crafted by some of the world’s most recognized shapers. All aspects of the Company’s products are manufactured in the USA.
Aviso manufactured the masts for the 1992 winner of the America's Cup, America 3. |
Aviso’s design and manufacturing team have worked with composites primarily in the defense industry specializing in radomes, covers for radar or broad banded electro-magnetic windows for radar on missile heads, and nose cones for jet fighters. These parts, having to not only perform electrically and aerodynamically, must also be impact resistant to rain and other airborne particulate at speeds over 4,000 feet per second. All members of the core team possess an intimate knowledge of the sport of surfing and given their remarkable background in composites, it was a natural fit to apply their knowledge base to surfboard design.
Early 1950's photo of the Douglas X-3 Stiletto.
Their expert knowledge in composites provided Aviso the ability to create a superior product compared to traditional board building practices. For the first time in history, Aviso is able to make a truly engineered product that can be fine tuned with the construction. The goal is not necessarily to make the lightest and strongest boards, but to make the ideal board construction for a unique set of wave conditions.